the inflectionist review
Posted by Daniela Elza on Jul 10 2013
The debut issue of The Inflectionist Review was released this morning. I have three poems in it, two of which are brand new and an older one from a while back. I wonder if you might guess which is the older one?
My poems are on page 15 through 18. Check out the other work as well and the art. I love the art. The issue is designed beautifully.
From the Editors:
“We’re excited to announce the publication of The Inflectionist Review’s debut issue. Our Featured Artist this issue is Mark S. R. Struzan, whose stunning abstracts grace the cover and interior. Our Distinguished Poet is Linda King, whose gave us an interview on process and inspiration. TIR No. 1 also includes the powerful work of Tiel Aisha Ansari , Matthieu Baumier , Rachel Squires Bloom, Doug Bolling, Susan Botich, Daniela Elza, Alice B. Fogel, Christina Frei, Anton Frost, Ellen Goldsmith, Holly Guran, Laura LeHew, Jennifer Martelli, Bruce McRae, Andrea Moorhead, Matthew Nadelson, Richard O’Brien, Paulann Petersen, David Radavich, R. M. Rilke (translated by Susanne Petermann), Rebecca Schumejda, Lediana Stillo, Colette Tennant, Philip Wexler, and Laura Winter.”
I am delighted to see that Vancouver fellow poet Linda King is the distinguished poet for this issue. Looking forward to discovering some new voices. If you find your work matches with the vision of TIR send them some. They are now reading for Issue 2.
Thank you to the editors for their effort on this great beginning and I wish you, John Sibley Williams and Anatoly Mototkov, success in this new and beautiful venture.