on-the-spot poems
Posted by Daniela Elza on Aug 12 2014
I hope you managed to stop by last Sunday and request a poem from the Pop-Up-Poets here on False Creek. We were located on the bike path between Olympic Village and Science World, near Creekside Community Centre 1 Athlete’s Way, at the outdoor piano. Other guest poets were Barbara Baydala, and Joshua Todd. The event is co-ordinated and organized by Meharoona Ghani, who also hammered out poems on the typewriter. There was a live artist who did art on the spot as well.
[photo courtesy of Jan Carley]
I arrived at the Pop-Up Poets scene. Meharoona had already set up her typewriter. Josh had his little portable desk out, and Barbara was ready with colourful pieces of paper and pencil. The day was hot.(And I mean HOT.) Everyone was skirting the edges for the little shade. I spent all my time in the shade and here and there on the edges of sunshine and still got my worst sunburn for the year. Which is probably nothing compared to other people’s standards. But, I am the 6pm-8pm late sun kind a girl. So you can imagine the shock to my body, this noon sun and heat. It was my fault. I jumped right into writing poems and forgot to put on sunscreen.
[photo courtesy of Jan Carley]
People stopped by to listen to the awesome piano playing by Brian Lodmell (the man sitting at the piano in the photo above). He was there doing his thing, and his thing was pretty good. Singing and telling stories while playing. He set a great mood to begin with. In the true spirit of collaboration he blended right in, became part of the team and even sang the poems before they were handed over to those who requested them. I wrote poems to the words: hope, yacht, bliss, moss, being and stake. The stake one came from far away by text. It was a request from the east coast, from a friend.
Did you stop by? Did you get a poem written, recited, even sang? No? If not you will have another chance this coming Sunday 17th. Maybe Brian will be there again to throw some summer joy in your heart. I might stop by to say hi, depending on how hot it is. And the poets, of course the poets will have their pens and pencils, and type writer keys, poised.
Here is the poster for the Sunday event. Spread the word.