there is a kind of ah-ha

Posted by Daniela Elza on Jun 29 2011

Happy Birthday, Al. I am wishing you a fabulous day. Hey, it has to be. It is the last day of school.
But more importantly lots of laughter, love, and good writing in the coming year. Maybe enough for a book. And, of course, lets do more readings together.

What do you wish for today?

Here is a quote for the day that came in with the Southeast Review Writer’s Regimen. I signed up for the month of June. You get a prompt everyday to writer to and a bunch of other things like interviews, podcasts, riff words, quotes. So there is lots to pick from to be inspired.
I thought I would do a lot more. But it has been another crazy, head-spinning, busy kind of month.

So don’t ask. This is day 29 and I have only managed a few pieces. But I get a cool quote each day with it. And I know a friend of mine who is doing a much better job with the writing part, so that makes it worthwhile. (Oh, and I still have two more days to make up for it.)

“A really great piece of fiction for me may or may not take me away and make me forget that I’m sitting in a chair. There’s real commercial stuff can do that, and a riveting plot can do that, but it doesn’t make me feel less lonely.

There’s a kind of Ah-ha! Somebody at least for a moment feels about something or sees something the way that I do. It doesn’t happen all the time. It’s these brief flashes or flames, but I get that sometimes. I feel unalone — intellectually, emotionally, spiritually. I feel human and unalone and that I’m in a deep, significant conversation with another consciousness in fiction and poetry in a way that I don’t with other art.”

—by David Foster Wallace

2 Responses to “there is a kind of ah-ha”

  1. Al Rempel Says:

    Thanks Daniela! What do I wish for today? If everyone could, even for a moment, see things differently (or even one thing)than they did before — an ah-ha for everyone, that’s my slogan. Then we could see ourselves, our earth, and each other as a little bit more “human” than we did yesterday.

  2. Daniela Elza Says:

    Wow. As a Bulgarian saying goes: from your mouth into god’s ear.