SFU radio: “smitten by the written”

Posted by Daniela Elza on Apr 26 2012

On March 28 I was invited to read along side Evelyn Lau at the inaugural event of the Lunch Poems@ SFU Reading Series.

Photo Credit: Kim Gilker

Photo Credit: Kim Gilker

The audio was taped and broadcasted on SFU radio and here is a link to the broadcast if you would have liked to be there, but could not. I know it is not the same. But still better than nothing. There were over 60 people who came to the event and it was a lovely happening.

Photo Credit: Kim Gilker

This series will be held once a month at SFU Harbour Centre in downtown Vancouver. It is free to the public. Take a break for lunch. Ingest some poems. Tell your friends, who might or might not yet have a taste for such a lunch.

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