two acceptances

Posted by Daniela Elza on Mar 14 2013

It is always nice to get acceptances and this month so far I have received two. One from Event Magazine and the other from Poiesis Journal. What makes this even more exciting is also that three of these poems are quite recent. It is always nice to see new work find a home. And also a little scary, of course.

Two poems titled

  • this is not a rehearsal II
  • winter light

are forthcoming in EVENT Magazine, 2013.

And two more poems titled

  • the crow hour
  • beauty is embarrassing

forthcoming in POIESIS: a journal of arts and communication.

Thank you to the editors who selected my work for these issues.
Yes, otherwise, it has been busy. Has been hard to find time to call, to email, to write. But hope to soon.

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