milk tooth bane bone has a cover

Posted by Daniela Elza on Mar 22 2013

Yes, we have a cover. Front, back, and a spread.


The art comes from a canvas my son painted. The moment I saw the canvas, after it came home from school, I knew that was the cover for the book— with the crows and the snow etc. and the way things swirl in our imaginations, formed and unformed.


Here is the back cover with description and blurb from David Abram who wrote “The Spell of the Sesuous” and “Becoming Animal” and is a sort of hero of mine for the work he does in philosophy and ecology and magic (literally and metaphorically): an unusual combination of anthropologist, philosopher and sleight-of-hand magician. Here is an interview with him from which I took some of the wording. I do not know if we can ever be described in words.

milk tooth bane bone 5

it is becoming more and more real. I will see what the crows think of it. In the mean time the book can be preordered from the publisher’s website. Click here to go there. They pay the shipping. As always, thank you for your support.

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