two upcoming anthologies
Posted by Daniela Elza on Jan 26 2018
I will have some previously published work in two anthologies. One in the US and one in Canada.
In the US Lummox Press is putting together an anthology of Canadian poets. Publication is planned for late October/November. The working title of this collection is Tamaracks: Canadian poetry for the 21st century. My poem autobiography of grief 1 will be included in it. It was first published in Prism international, 53.3, 2015.
And the League of Canadian Poets is putting together an anthology on trees, or a tree anthology. I am happy that my poem cypress falls is going to be one of the fifteen or so poems in the BC/Yukon chapter. cypress falls was first published in Poetic Inquiry III: Enchantment of Place (2017).
It is exciting when poems, especially ones I love, find homes in different places. There is something delightful in that. Thank you to the editors for selecting these two.