Arc Award of Awesomeness

Posted by Daniela Elza on Oct 23 2023

My poem Vancouver, 2023 just won the September Arc Award of Awesomeness. Thank you to the judge  Susan Gillis for selecting it. The theme of the month was “Haze.”

Susan Gillis said the following about the poem: “I love how “Vancouver, 2023” speaks to its namesake in the city’s own forms, crowding and blocking and isolating its ferocious language on the page. The glamorous natural setting is shoved into one short phrase; even the title, referencing a point in time, suggests the haze of alienation is trending toward obliteration. Wow!”

You can give the poem a read here.


The two honourable mentions are: “A 4-letter word meaning…” by Archer Lundy, and “unfinished” by Maria Gacesa.

October contest is open for another week. This month’s award is judged by Nancy Jo Cullen, and the theme is “Geographies.” Email them your poem(s) or hurry and pop them in the post with a toonie. All poems postmarked before the deadline will be considered!

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