Colleen Thibaudeau Award
Posted by Daniela Elza on Apr 13 2024
I was delighted and honoured to hear this week that I was awarded the 2024 Colleen Thibaudeau Award for Outstanding Contribution. This award is given by the League of Canadian Poets for contributions to poetry and the literary community and comes out in time to celebrate National Volunteer Week from April 14th to 20th!
I was asked to write a statement. I did and on a short deadline, so can already see how it could be better. :-)
Here is an excerpt:
It often feels that the work we do daily is never done and never enough, but it is. Rebecca Solnit says: “To hope is to give yourself to the future – and that commitment to the future is what makes the present inhabitable.” I volunteer because I want to keep building the world I want to live in. Hope is never misplaced when you are actively working on what is life giving, what creates spaces where one can belong. David Orr puts it nicely, “Hope is a verb with its shirtsleeves rolled up.”
To read the whole thing: click here.
Thank you to the people who took time to write letters to nominate me.
To all the volunteers out there: Happy National Volunteer Week 2024. Celebrate all volunteers this week during National Volunteer Week and every week of the year.