word clouds
Posted by Daniela Elza on Dec 27 2010
So this is what I got from wordle when I asked it to give me a word cloud of my blog. I suspect it is only of the latest posts, judging by the words that made it.
Then I did one for my thesis…
and one for my upcoming books…
There is something comforting to see a whole manuscript at a glance.
So there, I am studying word clouds with a chance of brain helping them fall into place.
What are you up to today?
January 7th, 2011 at 7:48 pm
Hey lady,
How did you do this word cloud???
It is quite cool.
Glad to see you’re still at it with a vengeance.
Judith Copithorne is my neighbour. She’ll be happy to see her name mentioned here.
Once I tell her. If you haven’t already.
And Dethe’s pie looks fantastic. I would eat it at all hours of the day too.
Happy New Year
January 7th, 2011 at 8:40 pm
Hi Nicole,
so good to see you here.
Word clouds are easy– follow the link to wordle, click on “create your own”, and then enter text in box, or website address below that. It gives you options and click on submit, or create. and then you can even play with fonts colours, shapes or direction of words etc.
Say Hi to Judith, I briefly met her once, and almost went to the launch of the recent anthology she was in edited by Trevor Carolan, but a couple of days before that i got rear-ended and so could not make it.
Well, I am at it still. This month is the dissertation hot spot. Hope to defend in April. Just not sure what god/desses I need to invoke.
Happy New Year.