time to work on writing
Posted by Daniela Elza on Mar 23 2020
Suddenly, I find myself with time on my hands. Work sent us home, the yoga studio of 25 years is permanently shutting down, and events are cancelling left and right. I have just wrapped up work on two manuscripts I was hired to work on. So I can take on more poetry editing, and manuscript evaluation/editing work. If you also have time to work on your writing and think this is a good moment, do get in touch.
I hope you are doing well, and following the “stay at home” recommendation and guidelines to protect yourself and others.
Think of this in positive ways as time to be with your kids, be with your writing, spend time with your family. Slow down, evaluate the crazy lives we lead. Make a positive change. Make something good of it, amongst the tragedy and focus on the things you can do and have control over rather than the things that are out of your control.
I am committed to doing a 30 day yoga challenge and getting back to a few writing projects I have not had time for lately. So yes, find some joyful moments amidst such difficult, uncertain, and devastating times.