virtual launch- May 28
Posted by Daniela Elza on May 30 2020
Thank you to all who came to the virtual launch yesterday. Over 60 of you. It took a team of people to put this event on, and you made it so worthwhile. I am still sitting in the glow. Even the crows sent a representative—crow landed on the patio outside the living room just as a began to read.
Special thanks to poet Rob Taylor for being such a fun host, and to multimedia poet Natasha Boskic for taking on the challenge of technical support and managing that side of the event. Pleasure to share the “stage” with Mark Christopher Warrior and Kevin Spenst. Congratulations on your new books.

I still have some books here for sale. If you are in Vancouver I might be able to deliver to your door, or if you are elsewhere then let me know and the shipping is about $3.35 in Canada.
Right after the launch I went to the rooftop patio to sit with a glass of wine, my neighbour, who also attended the launch, and the sunset. My rooftop patio is where I wrote the majority of the poems in the broken boat. Suddenly, in the very corner between two walls, on the rock and moss was this little house (Just over an inch tall). It was not there the day before. What does this mean? Did the crows bring me this mysterious gift? Anyone recognize it? Is the universe telling me something?