slow erosions
Posted by Daniela Elza on Dec 14 2020
We have nailed a launch for the chapbook.
January 13, 2021, 3-4pm PST / 6-7pm EST.
Virtual event.
Before Jan. 13 the publisher is offering free shipping. I am about to receive my copies in the mail and will have some here in case you wish one signed and handed to you. This is my first chapbook and first collection of collaborate poems. Many of you know I have a much longer collection of such work looking for a publisher. If you are a publisher interested in such things I would be happy to chat. This is a unique book that may not have been done this way and on this scale before.

If you are on FB this is the link to the event page.
To purchase a copy click here. Free shipping in effect up to the launch on the 13th of January .