Be a Link, Not a Fragment
Posted by Daniela Elza on Dec 25 2021
I am excited that an essay I have been working on for a while has now found a home in the Queen’s Quarterly. I appreciated the discerning and sharp eye of the editor who guided it to its final form. Thank you, James Carson.
The essay is a family memoir of all the stories that have circled around dinner tables and gatherings, which I wanted to put together and make better sense of. Many are of the war years in which my grandparents and great grandparents were caught in. And in the process the realizations and confirmation that we are links, and not fragments in this whirling world where right now it is so easy to feel alone, and disconnected from people and things.

And in that spirit I wish you all holidays filled with warmth, rest, creativity, much laughter and cheer with friends and family.
May the new 2022 be kinder, healthier, more peaceful and hopeful.