worth more standing
Posted by Daniela Elza on Jan 17 2022
Worth More Standing: Poets and Activists Pay Homage to Trees
This book is edited by Tofino Poet Laureate Christine Lowther and will be out April, 2022.
I have two poems in it: inhabitions and Now & Then. Now & Then is a poem written between myself and Bren Simmers – a poem between two.

Poets, both settler and Indigenous, pay tribute to trees through reflections on the past, connections to the present, and calls for the protection of our future.
In Worth More Standing: Poets and Activists Pay Homage to Trees, celebrated poets and activists pay homage to the ghosts of lost forests and issue a rallying cry to protect our remaining ancient giants and restore wild spaces.
Themes of connection, ecology, grief, and protection are explored through poems about trees and forests written by an impressive number of influential poets, several of whom have attended the recent Fairy Creek blockades and still others who defended BC’s old growth trees in Clayoquot Sound nearly 30 years ago.