Erosion: Inter/ruption of Home
Posted by Daniela Elza on Aug 12 2023
Erosion: The Inte/ruption of Home
On Thursday, Sept. 14th at 6pm, join Massy Arts, Massy Books, Caitlin Press, Mother Tongue Publishing, and Raven Books in celebrating the work of Adrienne Fitzpatrick, Daniela Elza, and Ian Thomas.
Erosion encompasses the environmental impacts on home, as well as the emotional and spiritual. Erosion can be subtle, not even noticeable and then suddenly devastating. Inte/ruption disrupts the flow, alluding to the breaking apart of the narrative of home.
Register here (registration is free and required for entrance).
For more information on the event and books and for bios you can go to Massy Arts page here.
To access the FB event link click here.
This project has been made possible by the Government of Canada. Ce projet a été rendu possible grâce au gouvernement du Canada.