Posted by Daniela Elza on Mar 04 2007
POETRY + ESSAYS and the occasional Short Story
(+ few other experiments here and there, including books, magazines, journals I have edited)
(poetry book)
When the trees came down no one knew how / to interpret the light. homeless / it bounces off glass sur*faces */ pierces the wandering eye
These poems walk streets and take snapshots of the impact financialization of our homes has on our sense of community and belonging. For more on the book and Preorders – click here
forthcoming 2025 with McGill-Queen’s University Press, Hugh MacLennan Poetry Series. To preorder at a local independent Vancouver bookstore click here @ Massy Books.
Is This an Illness or an Accident?
(debut memoir/essay collection)
In her debut prose collection, Daniela Elza gives voice to the “third culture child”—born in one culture, raised in another, building her life in a third—capturing the whole through fragments of significance.
Forthcoming with Caitlin Press, March, 2025.
Drop down SHOP-LOCAL menu, lets you preorder the book at your local bookstore, or your favourite independent and neighbourhood bookstore.
For more on the book and for preorders click here.
what we leave at eternity’s door
forthcoming in Ice: A Water Anthology, Caitlin Press
the scent of nettles
published in Poetry Pause for Poetry month, for the Family theme.
Putting Words Up to the Light (four poems)
- Surfacing
- words did not dare
- in the arc of falling
- Split this Rock
forthcoming in the anthology Synchrony & Love: A New Order of Gravity
scar/city I
(sequence of poems from SCAR/CITY)
makes the long list of the CBC Poetry Prize 2025.
- November Mysteries
(poem written in collaboration with Brian Brett)
in The Malahat Review, issue 227, Summer, 2024.
- split ends
winner of the April Arc Award of Awesomeness, 2024.
- Emotional Truths: My Review of We Follow the River by Onjana Yawnghwe
Book Review in The British Columbia Review (previously known as The Ormsby Review)
- Illness and ‘the hardness of love’ My Review of In the Blood by Alan Hill
Book Review in The British Columbia Review (previously known as the Ormsby Review)
- What Do You Do Again?
in the Queen’s Quarterly, Winter, 2023, Vol. 130, #4.
winner of the September Arc Award of Awesomeness, 2023.
- con/versions
long-listed for the the Vera Manuel Award for Poetry 2023.
- Adver/city (1st place winner in 2023 contest)
in Fire From the Heart 2023: Muriel’s Journey Poetry Prize Chapbook with Three Ocean Media in September 2023.
- A Sack of Salt
(essay + interview)
in New Traditions issue of UNTIL Magazine #14 (February, 2023, a publication of the Victoria Arts Council).
- Fire Song
(poem written in collaboration with Alan Hill)
in Canadian Literature, issue 252, 2023.
- split ends
(poem was 1st Honourable Mention in the OPA contest. Theme: The Moon)
- but we will still argue (poem)
- splitting (poem)
- Tuning in to the Low Pitch Hum of the Earth: Messing Around with the Profound (essay)
in Honein, N. & McKeon, M. (Eds.), Language, Land and Belonging: Poetic Inquiries, Vernon Press, 2023.
in the Queen’s Quarterly, Summer, 2022.
- shortcuttings
second place winner in the Ken Belford Poetry Contest, in Thimbleberry, Issue 6, 2022.
- Daniela Elza on the Poetry in Canada Project
Three poems, Poetics, Bio
for more on this project go to Poetry in Canada Project Bookshelf and Library and About page.
Be a Link, Not a Fragment
in the Queen’s Quarterly, Fall, 2022.
- ‘What Do You Do Again?: On Labour of Love and Other Work That Matter’
Longlisted for the Susan Crean Award for Nonfiction, 2022.
Snapshots from the shadows:
Review of “Dressed in Only a Cardigan, She Picks up Her Tracks in the Snow” by Cornelia Hoogland
Book Review in The British Columbia Review (previously known as the Ormsby Review)
- to be or not to be: a recipe
(poem won Honourable Mention in the Dr. William Henry Drummond Poetry Contest 2022)
in Dr. William Henry Drummond Poetry Contest Anthology 2022 (chapbook).
- inhabitions (poem)
- now & then (poem written in collaboration with Bren Simmers)
in Worth More Standing:Poets and Activists Pay Homage to Trees Edited by Christine Lowther,
Caitlin Press, April, 2022.
- the scent of nettles
- in the child footsteps of light
in (M)othering Anthology (Inanna Publications, 2022).
Episode: P030
Length: 31” mins
Broadcast dates: March 21 to April 03, 2022
Host: Writer’s Radio, Carole Harmon
- is your house on fire (with Elena Johnson)
- truss (with Kevin Spenst)
- Sanctuary (with Onjana Yawnghwe)
(three collaborated poems)
in Community poetry anthology, Gertrude’s Writing Room, Edited by Vanessa Shields & Irene Moore Davis.
- To Neighbour or Not to Neighbour Under a City Government that Only Wakes Up from the Developer’s Kiss
in subTerrain, Neighbourhood Issue, #89, 2021.
- abandoned
in The Antigonish Review, Volume 51, 2021.
- In-Visible Ingredients of Being a Poem
in Write Magazine, Vol. 49, Number 3, Fall, 2021.
- translations (with Hanako Masutani)
- Bandinage (with Christina Shah)
- waiting (with Elena Johnson)
(three collaborated poems)
in Riddle Fence, Issue #41, 2021.
- Open Letter to the Mayor and City Council for July 7th
(Regarding lease renewal report)
in The Georgia Straight, July 7th, 2021.
- and here lies the skeleton
- today a crow
- I left my clock inside the quiet canvas of my life
(three very short poems)
in Pocket Lint, #2, July 2021.
- Turning the Kaleidoscope
in GRAIN, Issue 48.3, Spring 2021.
in Motherwell, February, 2021. Reposted by The Week, Feb. 2021.
- Yet Another Housing Survey, for a City That Seems to Love Them
(article + survey)
in The Tyee, March 19th, 2021.
- Children of the Trees
in Geographies of Justice issue of About Place Journal, May 1, 2021.
in The Spotlong Review, Issue 1, Summer 2021.Â
- grief’s workshop
in A Journey Across New Westminster by Word: A Poetry of Place. (March/April 2021)
- Perfecting the Notion of Perfection
in Literature for the People (Malta) 2021.
- slow erosions
by Arlene Ang & Daniela Elza
Collusion Press, 2020. Order here. Or from me.
in Watch Your Head (November 6, 2020).
- The Poem and The Carrot Went For A Walk One Day
in Riddle Fence, Issue 38 (2020).
- But where are you really from?
(essay + photos)
in the Queen’s Quarterly , Volume 127, Number 4 (Nov./Dec. 2020)
- the broken boat
(latest book)
published by Mother Tongue Publishing (April 2020). You can order here.
- What Leaves
(written between myself and Dutch poet Anne Van Amstel) - teaching a machine to write poetry by feeding it my body (of work
(a collaboration between myself, Azlen Elza, & AI)
in Is this a Good Time anthology Collusion Books (2020).
- Is This an Illness or an Accident?
shortlisted for the 2019 Event Magazine Non-Fiction Contest.
on Poetry Pause, League of Canadian Poets poem a day. These poems are from my latest book the broken boat (Mother Tongue Publishing, 2020).
- past Hope
in The Beauty of Being Elsewhere edited by John B. Lee.
- they could lead me
- words I couldn’t fit in my mouth
in Hearthbeat: An anthology of family (Hidden Brook Press)
- Our Own Lemon Creek
in Sweet Water: Poems for the Watersheds (Editor Yvonne Blomer). This is the second volume after Refugium: Poems for the Pacific.
- it begins with our words
in Science-Based Vulnerability: Scientists and Poets #RESIST. (Brill, 2019).
in The Ormsby Review, Dec. 27, 2019.
- blank canvases on display
in Event Magazine, 48.1, 2019.
- Plato killed a moth in my dream
- ode to the critic
- it: attempts at definition
- a shoreline to stand on
- beauty is embarrassing
in Suffering and the Intelligence of Love in the Teaching Life anthology (Palgrave-Macmillan, 2019)
- rations
- on the way to Sophia
(2 haibun)
forthcoming in a Train Anthology
- C.heck Mate
Terrible Twosdays series, Akashik Books (July, 2019).
- The 2018 re-mix ofcrow morphologies CD is here. It is now up on bandcamp. You can have a listen.
The crows shape-shift and shift-shape through memory, and language and life. They are the ever present and changing tricksters. There’s also lots of snow, so perfect for this time of the year. Soressa’s voice and soundscapes weave through the landscapes, add to the mystery.
For those of you who have purchased the CD and would like the re-mix, I will send you a code for a free download. (Just let me know). Thank you for supporting this project.
- serving time (in the burbs II
in The Puritan, Literary Suburbia Supplement (May, 2018).
- life as conceptual art
(long poem)
in Prism international, issue 56.2, pp. 86-91 (2018).
- Bringing the Roots Home
(essay)in About Place Journal in their Roots and Resistance issue, October, 2018.Nominated for the Pushcart Prize contest, November, 2018.
featured on Poetry Pause ( a poem-a-day initiative by the League of Canadian Poets) 2018.
- beware of dog
in “Ghost Fishing: An Anthology of Eco-Justice Poetry” Melissa Tuckey, Ed. (University of Georgia Press, March, 2018).
this poem was previously published in dANDelion magazine and FORCE FIELD anthology edited by Susan Musgrave.
- :grief: II & III
two poems from self portraits section of my upcoming manuscript
in The Inflectionist Review #7 (May, 2018).
Nominated for the Pushcart Poetry Prize, November 2018.
- all this
(dedicated to Cat Majors and her honeybee farm, Armstrong Apiaries)
- all this
Sustenance: Writers from B.C. and Beyond on the Subject of Food Anthology (Anvil Press, 2017).
- the heat and hiss
- slicing the black wave 2
in emblem of minutes, a chapbook of poems written to music tracks from The Cyrillic Typewriter’s Your True Emblem by Jason Zumpano. The chapbooks are designed and put together by poet Kevin Spenst. Limited edition. Poets featured: Shazia Hafiz, Mariner Janes, Geoffrey Nilson, Bren Simmers, Kevin Spenst, Daniela Elza, Andrew McEwan, Jennifer Zilm. Visual Art by: Sydney Hermant, and Jason McLean.
- Stairway to Haven
The Summer Book (Mother Tongue Publishing, June, 2017)
24 writers capture the golden moments of summer in this treasury of warm tales, timeless memories, and meditations on nature
- between you (and a blade of grass
- cypress falls
in Poetic Inquiry III: Enchantment of Place (2017).
- through the poetry of the world: toward an ecology of being
(six poems)
Poetic Inquiries of Reflection and Renewal (May, 2017).
- heat & hiss
- sometimes
(collaborated poem with Linda King)
in The Inflectionist Review #6, 2017.
Update: heat & hiss has been nominated by the editors for 2017 Best of the Net Award.
sometimes has been nominated for the Orison Anthology.
- Whistler Independent Book Awards 2016
the book of It took part in the Whistler Independent Book Awards 2016. It was super excited to come home with an Honorable Mention.
Don’t Talk to Me About Love, 2016.
- self portraits (2 fragments
indefinite spaces journal (US), 2016.
- how to (forget
The Post Feminist Post, The Equinox Issue, 2016.
previously published in Poetic Inquiry: Vibrant Voices in the Social Sciences (Roterdam, The Netherlans: Sense Publishers, 2009).
- I hold you this way
- through you
- too long now
forthcoming in A Phoenix Longing: Mental Health Anthology (Northern Ireland).
- plotting
- lost language
Word Magazine, 2016.
(for Kate Braid)
posted in After You, 2016.
- at the clinic
Cactus Heart Press (US), BODIES issue, 14.5.
- autobiography of grief 1
- autobiography of grief 2
- what remains
Prism international, 53.3, 2015.
- intimate harbours
- the salt of being
Make It True: Poetry From Cascadia (Leaf Press, 2015).
- 12 pages of poems
The Inflectionist Review Anthology (2015).
- Tempera in the Kitchen
Shale: Extreme Fiction for Extreme Conditions Anthology (Texture Press, US, 2015).
- speaking refuge
- methodology II
Room Magazine, 38.3, August, 2015.
- speeding steel
- contemplating clean up
forthcoming in Disaster Anxiety Chapbook, Fall, 2015.
- untilted
collaborated poem between Jason Sunder and Daniela Elza
filling Station, Issue 61, 2015.
- speeding steel
Crannog Magazine (Ireland), Issue 38, Spring 2015.
- getting the story/line in order
(four fragments)
The Revolving City: 51 Poems and the Stories Behind Them a Lunch Poems Anthology, 2015.
Celebration of Canadian Poetry, Brick Books, June, 2015.
- self-portraits
(7 fragments)
Absinthe Poetry Review (US), Issue 3, 2015. Nominated for the Pushcart prize.
(a collaborated poem between Matea Kulic and Daniela Elza)
Absinthe Poetry Review (US),debut Issue 1, April, 2015.
- waking up with you
Cede Poetry, debut issue, 2015.
To view and purchase ($3.00) the inaugural issue click here and scroll down until you see it. Or click on purchase and it will take you to it.
- afloat (on the emotion of bodies
Absinthe Poetry Review (US), Issue 2, 2015.
- we will still argue
Honorable Mention in the 2015 Pandora’s Collective Poetry Contest with judges Jen Currin and Christine Leclerc.
- eros/ions
(3 fragments)
Pedestal Magazine (US), December 2014.
- :axiom: the calling
(excerpts from milk tooth bane bone) Imaginarium 3: The Best Canadian Speculative Writing, 2014. Thank you to editors Sandra Kasturi and Helen Marshall for selecting this work.
- Waiting for Twilight
runner-up for the 2014 Hummingbird Prize for Flash Fiction contest.Pulp Literature Magazine (Winter, 2015). Thank you to Judge JJ Lee for selecting this story.
- The many paths to sophia: Toward a deeper philosophical appreciation of poetry
in education (published by the Faculty of Education at the University of Regina, in Saskatchewan
Distinguished Poet for Issue 3 of the Inflectionist Review. Will include a portfolio of poems and an interview (pp. 45-60):
- wednesday.rainfall.
- the colour of dreams
- self-portraits (3 fragments)
- this is not a rehearsal V
The Inflectionist Review, Issue 3, Fall, 2014.
Monday’s Poem @ Leaf Press, Dec.1, 2014.
- self-p0rtraits
(four fragments)
The Maynard, Fall issue, September, 2014.
- intimacy requires more
Runner-up in the Magpie Award for Poetry.
Pulp Literature, Autumn, Issue 4, 2014.
Cascadia Review, 2014.
- guest editor to Emerge Anthology
published by The Writers Studio, Simon Fraser University, Fall, 2014.
Elohi Gadugi Journal, Sticks and Stones Theme Issue,(Oregon, US)
- forecasts
Ping Pong Art and Literary Journal of the Henry Miller Memorial Library (US).
- under fog
The Poet’s Stone (UK).
- one sentence goes to a project called A Rewording Life ,
a book of sentences that elucidate the use of certain words. Sheryl Gordon has taken on this huge task. For more on this project click here. The sentences are written by writers.
My word is chimera.
- introduction
- poem
Louden Singletree Magazine, UFV, 2014.
- rearranging ourselves
- shadow songs
Room Magazine, issue 37.1.
- milk tooth bane bone, Leaf Press (April, 2013).
(poetry book)
You can order copies from the publisher’s website and Leaf Press will pay for the shipping. To order, or for description, introduction, a sample or reviews, go to milk tooth bane bone on Leaf Press website. To view the back cover click here.
- Vancouver regional co-editor for Alive at the Center + a poem
- the weight of dew
Alive at the Centre: An Anthology of Poems from the Pacific NorthWest
- (
- , Portland, 2013).
- Alive at the Center is also published in three city specific volumes, one for Portalnd, one for Seattle, and one for Vancouver. Click here for more information on their website.
Alive at the Center: Contemporary Poetry from Vancouver (Ooligan Press, 2013)
- moving the linguistic furniture around (in the house of enigmatic density
The Capilano Review, May 2013.
- this is not a rehearsal II
- winter light
EVENT Magazine, 42/2, 2013.
- an ekphrastic encounter
Branch Magazine, Issue 11: Light & Shadows, Fall 2013.
- the crow hour
- beauty is embarrassing
POIESIS: a journal of arts and communication, Researching art—The Art of Research, Volume 15, 2013.
- Videopoem Crow Morphologies selected for the 2013 Visible Verse Festival. Screened at the Cinematheque in Vancouver, on Saturday, October 12, 2013.
- minding my crows (i, ii, iii, iv)
four pieces
from milk tooth bane bone
filling Station, in their Experimental Women Issue, 2013.
- found at the bottom of the suitcase
- to my sweet:bitter muse
- Andy Warhol
- beware of dog
Force Field: An Anthology of 77 Women Poets of B.C. (edited by Susan Musgrave). Published by Mother Tongue Publishing (April, 2013).
- trans/late
- intimate harbours
Poems for the Writing: Prompts for Poets by Valerie Fox and Lynn Levin (Texture Press, Norman, Oklahoma, March, 2013).
- accidentally buying a painting in Chinatown
Planet Earth Poetry Anthology, (Leaf Press, March, 2013). You can read more about it here.
- crows in the ruins
- tree morphologies
- man rises into ashes
The Pinnacle Literary Journal, Spring 2013.
- stoking the fire
- stoking the fire 2
tennine fish
The Inflectionist Review (debut issue, pp. 15 -18).
Steel Chisel, June, 2013.
- Suddenly Leaves (reprinted)
Fire & Ice: poems for fridges and stoves chapbook (Above & Beyond productions, 2013)
(Printed in limited #’ed edition of 50 copies) Compiled by Catherine Owen.
- Split this Rock
- this is not a rehearsal III: in the nightmares of nomenclature
Perspective Poetry Magazine (debut issue), Spring 2013.
The Passionate Transitory (UK), Issue 4, Summer 2013.
- learning to read
- what makes a man tell a story
Father, Grandfather and Me Anthology (Hidden Brook Press, 2013).
- the scent of nettles
Family Times Anthology (Hidden Brook Press, 2014).
- Ready to send out your work? Submit to submitting
Wordworks, Winter 2012 (the literary magazine produced by the Federation of BC Writers).
- Guest co-editor for Quills Canadian Poetry Magazine (Volume 9, 2013).
- the weight of dew
Mother Tongue Publishing (March, 2012).
Where to find it? You can get a copy from me, or from Mother Tongue Publishing. You can order the book from your local bookstore. The bookstores that currently carry it are Hooked on Books (Penticton), Otter Books (Nelson), Mosaic Books (Kelowna), Cadboro Bay Books (Victoria), Black Bond Books,Galiano Island Books, Blackberry Books (Granville Island), SFU Bookstore (Burnaby & Harbor Center).
Also Amazon has it. You can also like it on Amazon and/or say something in the review section. Thank you for your support.
- the weight of dew
- + black and white portrait
111 West Coast Literary Portraits. Photographs by Barry Peterson and Blaise Enright, Text by BC Authors, Introduction by Alan Twigg (Mother Tongue Publishing, 2012).
Poem of the Week at Split This Rock Poetry Festival blog, November 2, 2012. The blog of Split This Rock is the national network of socially engaged poets. The third festival, Split This Rock: Poems of Provocation & Witness, was March 22-25, 2012. Fourth festival, planned for March 27-30, 2014.
- tossing and turning I
- re-surfacing
- self-portraits
- +postcard poem/a poem on postcard sent to the review
- + statement of place
inaugural issue of Cascadia Review, November 27, 28, & 29, 2012.
(six pieces
from my upcoming book Milk Tooth Bane Bone)
The Incongruous Quarterly, Companion Animals, Issue # 5. November, 2012.
Press 1 Literary Journal, Volume 6, Number 1. May-August, 2012.
I edited the Spring 2012 Issue of WordWoks: The Poetry Issue. Included in it is a poem from the weight of dew as well astwo interviews I conducted: one with our current poetry laureate Evelyn Lau and the other with Rob Taylor.
- a shore line to stand on
Here you can read the pdf version online at the Federation of BC Writers website.
- And Walking is Thinking: On Concrete and Light
(8 related poems, page 129-139)
The Art of Poetic Inquiry book. Editors: Suzanne Thomas, Ardra Cole, Sheila Stewart (Backalong Books, August 2012).
- the shape of questions
(Chapter on being with and learning from children)
A Heart of Wisdom: Life Writing as Empathetic Inquiry. Co-edited by Carl Leggo, Erika Hasebe-Ludt, Anita Sinner, & Cynthia Chambers (2012).
- poppies are not (Enough
- Mutanabbi Street: foot notes after the fire
Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here: Poets and Writers Respond to the March 5th, 2007, Bombing of Baghdad’s “Street of the Booksellers.” Editors: Beau Beausoleil and Deema Shehabi (PM Press,Oakland, CA, August 2012)
- seven years later
The Wild Weathers: A Gathering of Love Poems (Leaf Press, 2012).
- in earth dreams
- found poem in Aldo Leopold’s A Sand County Almanac
Enpipeline Anthology: 70,000 km of poetry written in resistance to the Northern Gateway pipeline proposal (Creekstone Press, 2012).
Click here to see a review from November 2, 2012.
- negotiating with the dead
SubTerrain, Vancouver, 125 issue, Fall/Winter2011.
qarrtsiluni, The Worship Issue, November, 2011.
(written in collaboration with Arlene Ang)
BluePrintPrintReview, issue 28 (the challenge issue), Summer, 2011.
- the book of it
(iCrow Publications, April, 2011).
(the book of it is available now for the Kindle device, as well as for the free Kindle app for Mac, PC, iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, Android, Blackberry, and Window Phone7.
116 pages, $2.99
Published April, 2011
ISBN 978-0-9869441-0-9
THE BOOK OF IT (print)
116 pages, $10.00
THE BOOK OF IT (PDF file download)
116 pages, $2.99
ISBN 978-0-9869441-1-6
(written in collaboration with Robin Susanto)
(written in collaboration with Arlene Ang)
(written in collaboration with Christi Kramer)
BluePrintPrintReview issue 27 (Synergetic Transformations: Collaborative issue), Spring 2011.
LEARNing Landscapes, the Inquiry Issue, Vol. 4, No. 2 (Spring 2011).
- there is no like like this
a poem written between myself and Arlene Ang,
Other Voices: Journal of the Visual and Literary Arts , Vol. 23, No. 2, (Spring, 2011).
- asphalt spring
- EFL Lesson
Close to Quitting Time: An anthology depicting the various facets of work (Ascent Aspirations Publishing, Spring, 2011)
- you came along
Quills Canadian Poetry Magazine, Vol.VII, 2010.
- in earth dreams (videopoem)
screened November 20th, 2010 at See The Voice: VISIBLE VERSE 10th Anniversary Celebration & Festival. Here is the line up for Nov. 20th. Here is the line up for both days November 19th and 20th.
collaborated poem written between Daniela Elza and Al Rempel Pedestal Magazine, issue 59, August 2010.
of non.verifiable truths and other existent.ial celebrations (seven poems)
- of non-verifiable truths 1
- of non-verifiable truths 2
- margins: mind the gap
- the wor(l)d as we (tell it
- where the mind sheds its proud skin
- art is
- definition
SFU Educational Review, Volume 4 (2010), pp 26-36.
- inhabitions
- the difficulty of such beginnings
- tabula e rasa
reprinted in WordWorks, Summer issue, 2010.
- the shape of questions (son)
reprinted in Simon Fraser GradNews, June 2010. (page 3). Thanks, Karen.
- C.heck Mate
- O.pening the Parent.hesis
2 true.fiction micro.stories, OCW Magazine, Relaunch Issue, 5.1/#17 (July, 2010).
(five poems from my unpublished manuscript)
The Crowd issue of qarrtsiluni (Aug./Sept, 2010).
- Andy Warhol (Vancouver Art Gallery, 2004) (June 21, 2010)
- god is a poet (Aug.8, 2010)
New Classics issue of qarrtsiluni (2010).
(11 poems)
the Trumpeter: Journal of Ecosophy (Summer, 2010).
poem written in collaboration with Arlene Ang, Poemeleon, May, 2010.
poem written in collaboration with Harold Rhenisch, Poemeleon, May, 2010.
One Ghana One Voice March 12, 2010.
BluePrintReview, issue #24, May, 2010.
- listening to the CBC on the way to Jasper
- on the death of a person whom it is desired to honour
- echoes in clay
- of jewels
- alternate grammars
- serving time (in the burbs
- essay on poetics
The New Orphic Review, in the Featured Poet section Vol. 13, No. 1 (Spring, 2010).
With thanks to the staff of the Mountain View City Cemetery for featuring this poem on their website.
- shifting (of obligations with audio
- in the eye (of contemplation with audio
educational insights: Academic Pathologies issue, Vol. 13, Number 4 (January, 2010).
(note: shifting (of obligations was initially published in CV2 in 2007. and in the eye (of contemplation was originally published in Poetic Inquiry: Vibrant Voices in the Social Sciences.)
- the following
- are all featured on
- :
- putting words in the mouth of a picture (first published in 4poets (Mother Tongue Publishing, 2009)
- symmetry (first published by dANDelion, 2007)
- true or false (a triptych (first published in Rocksalt Anthology (Mother Tongue Publishing, 2008)
- negotiating with the dead (first published in Matrix, issue 84, 2009)
- tabula e rasa (won Honorable Mention in 17th SiWC Poetry Contest, 2009)
- blood_alley:// (first published in qarrtsiluni, Feb. 2009)
Thanks to the editors of ditch for featuring these poems on their website.
- tabula e rasa
Honorable Mention in the 17th SIWC Poetry Contest, published in their annual anthology (2009).
BluePrintReview issue #22
re /visit /cycle /turn (Oct. 2009).
- negotiating with the dead
matrix issue 84: The New Vancouver (Fall, 2009)
- in the flicker of (time
- on the way to Sophia
- breathing maps
- interpreting the winds
- on the small back of breath
- putting words in the mouth of a picture
- inhabitions
- in a tumble of feathers
- poetics, interview, photo, bio, scores of three previous versions of last poem, and its translation into Bulgarian

MTP BC Poets Series #1, 4 Poets: Daniela Elza, Peter Morin, Al Rempel, Onjana Yawnghwe (Mother Tongue Publishing) August, 2009.
Press 1, Vol. 3, No.1, May-August 2009 issue.
- di(versify: further testimony for that which cannot be (acertained
(12 poems), Chapter in the book:
Poetic Inquiry: Vibrant Voices in the Social Sciences, with Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, The Netherlands (Fall, 2009).
- feeling is believing
re-published in Fields of Green: Restorying Culture, Environment, and Education, Hampton Press (Spring, 2009). This poem was originally published in Paideusis.
- grey on grey
- a walk down apostrophe lane
A Verse Map of Vancouver Anthology. (Anvil Press April, 2009).
- Milk Tooth Bane Bone
- the shape of questions
Vallum 6:2 (July, 2009)
collaborative poem with Harold Rhenisch, Mutating the Signature issue at qarrtsiluni online literary magazine, posted Feb. 5, 2009.
collaborative poem with Rob Taylor, Mutating the Signature issue at qarrtsiluni online literary magazine, posted March 22, 2009.
collaborative poem with Chrisitna Shah, Mutating the Signature issue at qarrtsiluni online literary magazine, posted April 10, 2009.
collaborative poem with Dethe Elza, Mutating the Signature issue at qarrtsiluni online literary magazine, posted Feb. 26, 2009.
One Ghana One Voice Feb. 2009.
a collaboration published by Leaf Press, home of Monday’s poem, Jan. 12, 2009.
- the difficulty of such beginnings
second place in Byron’s Quill Award for Poetry, 2007, published in Quills Canadian Magazine, Vol. V, 2008.
first place in Pandora’s Collective Poetry Contest, Oct. 2008.
longlisted in CV2’s Annual 2 Day Poem Contest, 2008.
- Nelson
Vancouver Review, issue 19, Fall 2008.
- true or false (a triptych
- poetics statement
Rocksalt: An Anthology of Contemporary B.C. Poetry, (Mother Tongue Publishing Limited, 2008)
- In the eye of the Crow (five crow poems)
Journal of Environmental Philosophy Special issue: Species of Thought: In the approach of a more-than-human world (Vol. V, issue II: Fall, 2008).
- a sentence (for life
- the light of silence
Van Gogh’s Ear, Vol. 6, 2008.
- if Bachelard were in verse II
- walking back(words (looking for.words)
- Old Hill
- if Bachelard were in verse I
Educational Insights: on-line journal of the Center for Cross Faculty Inquiry in Education (in their Word—an Issue of Language, Volume 12, Number 1, 2008.
- seven years later
3rd place in Byron’s Quill Award for Poetry (Quills Canadian Poetry Magazine, Fall 2007, vol. 4)
- shifting (of obligations
- in prisms (of facts
Contemporary Verse 2 (Fall, 2007).
- inhabitions
first place in the Manitoba Writer’s Guild friend’s contest (July, 2007).
- Toward a Pedagogy of the Imagination
(six poems)
So Much Truth, So Much Being: Poetic Provocations to Philosophical Musings in Paideusis Vol. 16, No. 2 (2007).
- symmetry
- diwali (festival of light
- public display of disaffection
- beware of dog
dANDelion 33:1 (June 2007).
- an introduction to semantic collapse
- emergent river of meaning
- a meta eulogy
Contemporary Verse 2 vol. 29 issue 3 (winter, 2007).
The Arabesque Review (both online and in print), Feb. 2007.
2nd place in Pandora’s Collective contest, Feb. 2007.
3rd place in Pandora’s Collective contest, Feb.2007.
- To Carry Across: Metaphor Invents Us
(seven poems)
Paideusis vol.15:2 (Nov. 2006).
- from Metaphor Invents Us (six poems)
The Capilano Review, issue 2:49.
- shifting point
1st place in Can we exist without Es? contest, Existere, Nov. 2006.
- the thirteenth child
Honorable Mention in SIWC poetry contest, 2006.
1st place in Pandora’s Collective contest, Summer 2006. (later published on Poets Against War)
2nd place in Pandora’s Collective contest, Summer 2006. (later published on Poets Against War)
1st place in Pandora’s Collective contest, Spring 2006.
2nd place in Pandora’s Collective poetry contest, Spring 2006.
- hyacinth blue
Room of One’s Own issue 29:3 (Fall, 2006).
before 2005
- suddenly leaves
Quills Canadian Poetry Magazine, Winter 2005 issue.
- Writing Group
Quills Canadian Poetry Magazine, Summer 2005 issue.
- a quiet in the bones
presented as part of a community theatre play Take a Breath (Roundhouse Community Center, Nov., 2004),
- the scent of nettles
second place in the SIWC poetry contest, 2002.
- To the Muse
Essex Chronicle Newsletter, England. Feb. 1993.
- Misunderstood
- The Father of Death
Password: The Magazine of the English Department, Sofia University, No. 1, April 1992.
February 26, 2012 Guest at the Storytelling Show on Co-op radio talking about my upcoming book the weight of dew. Here is the archive of the chat with Taryn Hubbard.
- A guest blog post on writing as a couple (between myself and my collaborator in life, Dethe) up on Lofty Ambitions Blog.
- The Habitual Poet Contributor Interview, Poemeleon: The Blog, December 11th, 2010.
- Interview with Poetic Edits, Kevin Spenst asks four questions around the process of revisions, September 25th, 2010.
- Interview with OGOV (with old dust made new poem), 2010.
- Interview with The Cascade weekly student newspaper at University College of the Fraser Valley in Abbotsford, Oct. 2009.
- Interview with The Peak, The Independent Student newspaper of Simon Fraser University.
- Interview with OGOV (with Savannah Rain, West Africa poem), 2009.
- Re-searching and re-storying the complex and complicated relationship of biophilia and bibliophilia
written in collaboration with Heesoon Bai, Peter Kovacs, Serenna Romanycia, published in
Environmental Education Research, 16:3, 351 — 365 (August, 2010)
written in collaboration with Hartley Banack published in educational insights in their Academic Pathologies issue, Vol. 13, Number 4, (January, 2010).
- Meaning Making: Learning through Logovisual Thinking. by Best, B., Blake, A., & Varney, J. (2005) published in Teaching Education Volume 17, Number 4 (December 2006).
- Go Leaving Strange by Patrick Lane published in Quills, Autumn 2004.
- Speaking Effectively: Strategies for Academic Interaction by Janet Kayfetz and Michaele Smith. published in The Ohio TESOL Newsletter, Vol. XVIII, No. 2, Spring 1994.
- Heinemann Elementary English Grammar by Digby Beaumont published in Practical English Teaching (vol. 14, no. 1), September 1993.
- Writing 3 by Andrew Littlejohn published in Practical English Teaching (vol. 14, no.2), December, 1993.
November 5th, 2010 at 9:40 am
[…] say. She has decided to put them in a book and let them sort it out. Daniela’s work has been published in over 42 print, online, and peer-reviewed publications. Daniela is the recipient of this […]