“god is a poet” and other poems

Posted by Daniela Elza on Aug 08 2010

god is a poet is now up on qarrtsiluni. It finally found its home.
Hope you enjoy it.

Also, after getting lost, and then found (both my fault) after almost two years, here is a piece titled:

  • travelling: across through down in(words

(11 poems) up in the current issue of The Trumpeter. Some of the words in the triptych poems shifted perhaps due to .doc transfers. (Hopefully the editors will fix that.)

Also check out their call for submissions for some special issues.

“These issues will focus on narratives, artwork or poetry that exemplify ecosophy and deep ecology across generations.
Parent/child, grandparent/grandchild, uncle – aunt/ niece/nephew and teacher/ student narratives about oikos + sophia that tell of instances shared by each person that lead to deep understanding of particular places or processes are sought. Both (or more) voices must be individually discernable in each submission.

Perhaps you and a relative or teacher shared a wilderness experience, a moment of deep connection or an instance of the ineffable. We wish to explore personal experience as it expresses the concept of ecosophy.”

Deadline for submissions is December, 2010. Why not, give it a try.

5 Responses to ““god is a poet” and other poems”

  1. Al Says:

    Hi there — I realy enjoyed the travel poems, Daniela, esp. “here.! ! childhood
    memories! ! in the hand.! ! open ! ! ! ! one petal ! ! at !” & “laid out ! for the crows:! poisoned! little traps! their teeth !” & “a deception! sticky with ! ! the flesh of light
    the taste of ! missed rain.!” Very fine writing, grounded in the real. Cheers!

  2. Daniela Elza Says:

    Thanks, Al.
    I appreciate your feedback.
    These are some of my favourites as well. If I am allowed to have favourites.:-)

  3. Dorothee Says:

    congrats on the publication — interesting journal. the “ecology across generations” theme sounds interesting. i happened to have a fitting text, and now tried to submit — turns out, submitting is a bit difficult. if someone else wants to submit, too, after registering, here is the link to the webpage hat allows you to submit (doesn’t seem to come up easily): http://trumpeter.athabascau.ca/index.php/trumpet/login?source=%2Findex.php%2Ftrumpet%2Fauthor

    this then leads to a 5-step-submission-process.

  4. Daniela Elza Says:

    thanks, Dorothee,
    yes, submitting to some of these journals could be an onerous task. But it puts it in the pipeline. I sent directly to the editor and I think it got lost at one point. So had I followed the steps and put it up on the website, this work might have come out last summer.

  5. Daniela Elza Says:

    A question came up Re: “god is a poet” and perhaps my form, in general. I have attempted to answer it on the website in the comments section after the poem. A bit lengthily perhaps. If interested go to: