reading series around Vancouver
Posted by Daniela Elza on Jul 07 2011
I am always amazed at how much goes on in the poetry department in Vancouver. (he he, I thought we will get better funding if I called it a department).
And because I wanted to get a handle on what is going on around town I decided to collect a list of the reading series that, on a regular basis, run throughout the year. So that became my pet project, for a while.
Finally, here is a list (I am sure it is incomplete) I posted on the Federation of BC Writers website under Reading Series.(If you want to add your gig to this list, send me the info in the format you see there and I will post it.)
Here is a little 5 min. video that was made for The Writers’ Studio Reading Series, which is a favourite venue. It is a component and an extension to the Writers’ Studio (SFU).
The TWS next event is Friday, July 15, 2011 at Take 5 Café, 7-9pm.
I try to visit as many of these reading venues as I can. I am sure I have not managed to cover them all, yet. But I keep trying. I would encourage you to go out there and participate. Whether it is through listening, featuring, reading at Open Mics, helping host, or organize.
Be part of the community in some way. It is a rewarding experience. The community may not need us, may not notice if we are there or not, but we need out communities. So lets do our bit in supporting and growing them.
Tonight, July 7th, 7:00-10:00pm, is the Twisted Poets Reading Series at The Prophouse Cafe, 1636 Venables Street, Vancouver. It will feature: Trevor Carolan and Timothy Shay $5 (suggested donation)
I will be a feature at Poetic Justice Reading Series on July 24th.
Poetic Justice is a weekly poetry reading event that takes place every Sunday from 3-5pm in the back room at the Heritage Grill, 447 Columbia St., New West right beside Columbia Skytrain Station. Featured poets kick the event off and then open mic follows. Visit their facebook page
(As if I do not have enough to do, I am on facebook now too.)
If you want to sign up with Poetic Justice contact Candice James (Poet Laureate of New West). Hint, hint, Rob, you have not read there yet, have you?
Oh, and if that is not enough they are doing Poetry in the Park from July 6 to August 31. (I will join them on August 31st as a feature).
And so it goes, tidely dum.
Just do it, go out, sign up and read.
Of course, don’t forget to work on those poems first.
Here, I will pose the question to you: When is a poem done? How do you know?