Book Launches
Posted by Daniela Elza on Jun 23 2017
Last night we launched emblem of minutes, chapbook written to music tracks from The Cyrillic Typewriter’s Your True Emblem by Jason Zumpano. The chapbooks are designed and put together by poet Kevin Spenst.
It was a lovely launch of strong and delighful words by Shazia Hafiz, Mariner Janes, Geoffrey Nilson, Bren Simmers, Kevin Spenst, and myself. The launch was warm and full to the brim.
I was glad to be hosting it at Twisted Poets Literary Salon. Also in the chapbook are poets Rob Taylor, Andrew McEwan,and Jennifer Zilm, with visual art by Sydney Hermant, and Jason McLean.
Today we are launching The Summer Book at the Sylvia Hotel, between 4 and 6pm. I have had essays published before but this is my first literary launch of an essay. New beginnings! I have so much to say about beginnings. And in such good company. Come share in the celebrations.
Summer is here. Let’s launch it in style.
More essays to come soon, I hope.
Speaking of beginnings here is what we did for the staff fun day. We played lawn bowling. Before noon we were not doing too well. Once the coffee and lunch kicked in we made a stunning comeback. Here is the winning team. The beginner’s mind at work.
I love the people I work with.