*the shape of questions*

Posted by Daniela Elza on Sep 21 2017

the shape of questions was published a while back in Vallum’s Play and the Absurd issue (6:2). This week it was featured at Vallum Poem of the Week. If you click through to the link you can also hear a recording I experimented with.

Thank you Vallum for picking it out. The permanent home of this poem is in the weight of dew (Mother Tongue Publshing, 2012). Poems like to travel, so it is always nice to see where they end up.

One Response to “*the shape of questions*”

  1. M. Vandaelle Says:

    Your course sounds like one that I have longed looked for. Unfortunately, the timing and location will not work. Any chance this workshop may be offered in the lower mainland at a future date?
