place mattering matters salon #4
Posted by Daniela Elza on Mar 23 2022
You are invited:
Wed April 13, 7-8 pm pst
What connects you to the place you live in? Join us for our fourth salon where we explore the intimacy of place and home through image, poetry and story with guest storyteller and artist Naomi Steinberg, poets and artists Daniela Elza, Richard Evans, Graham McGarva, and Maria Roth. Come ready to pen a line or few describing the places you find welcoming, intimate, the places in your neighbourhood generous enough to daydream in.
The Place Mattering Matters Collective gathers together two architects and two artists who seek to open conversation on the qualities of place needed to thrive in our shared urban environment. As it rapidly transforms around us, not only does place matter, but that it matters is essential for the health of the whole community.
We can be reached by email at: info(at)placematteringmatters(dot)com